Literature available to freely download

The Cross In the Fire
Few people dared to swim against the tide in Hitler's Germany. Most were simply swept along. Several million church members were deceived, blinded and led astray.

A Prayer for the Nation
'A Prayer for the Nation' taken from Building a Wall of Prayer, an intercessor's handbook by M. Basilea Schlink.

Protected on All Sides
Are you anxious, in constant turmoil? Are you lonely and unhappy? Take a moment to stop and reflect on the nature of God our Father.

He Knows and Cares
Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me! Psalm 66:20 RSV Short prayers of thanksgiving to God, our Heavenly Father, for His consistent loving care.

Extraordinary Ordinariness
The Bible tells us of Jesus' birth, His escape to Egypt and His family's return to Nazareth.

Navigating the storm of end time humanism
Faced with the choice of settling in a place with optimal living conditions or a poor undeveloped area with no infrastructure.

Prayer in these days of terrorism
O Lord, our God, in great distress we call up You, for You alone are our refuge and help.

Where can we find Jesus?
If anyone serves me, let him follow mel and where i am, there my servant will be also.

God Where Are You?
It’s all God’s fault!’ ‘Is that supposed to be a God of love?’ ‘Where was God in Auschwitz?’ ‘Where was he in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?’ ‘God, where are you?

A Christian Response to Islam
For those seeking orientation on the subject, this covers the basic world views of Christianity and of Islam. A talk at by Sister Gideona at ACNA meeting, 2013.

A Light Shines in the Darkness
At Christmas the Child Jesus wants to come to us in this world of ever-growing darkness and chaos.

Back to the Cross
Back the the Cross - Bringing the Reformation Full Circle. Will the Gentile Christian Church recognize the Jewish identity of her Redeemer?

For God so Loved the World
For God so loved the world that he have his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:13 RSV He (God) has sacrificed too much for this world to ever forget it. With this love surrounding us, suffering cannot ultimately harm us.

Piercing the Smokescreen
Today's world is filled with misinformation and deliberate deceptions. Part 2 to 'A Christian Response to Islam'. A talk at by Sister Gideona at ACNA meeting, 2014.

Prayers in Preparation for the Near Future
How can we prepare for the Future? "Watch and pray" (Matthew 26:11) Jesus, in His great love for His disciples, sought to prepare them for the coming time of testing.

Someone Cares for You
Who cares so much about us? God, our Father. The proof of his love is that he was willing to give his dearest and best for us.

The Challenge of the End Times
In view of the recent fires, floods, volcanic eruptions, people around the word are asking: “Is anyone in control? Are these effects of Climate change? Is this just random?” Having the right perspective will help us to have the right reactions.

The Lord is my Inheritance
Sister Joela focuses on the love that does not fear the cost of preparing for the final phase of world history. As we make the pursuit of first love our choice, we will receive the most precious gift of all: Jesus!

Tipping the Balance
God , who loves us, does not want us to sink in fear and suffering. His Word shows us how His help avails for us: "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you" (Psalm 50:15).

When Life Hurts
Have you ever thought: "If only I had someone I could turn to, someone who really cares. But no one seems to understand me or the situation I'm in right now".